Pinups go Rustic {El Dorado County Portrait Photographer}

EW Couture Blog Board Collages - Classic CollectionLast weekend I had the pleasure of photographing two beautiful women in the style of pinups.

EW Couture Blog Board Collages - Classic Collection

We were in a very rustic location in Nevada City, CA, a beautiful little gold rush town.

There were blackberry bramble bushes, weeds, tall cedar and pine trees everywhere, along with old shed, tractors, parts of “things” and rusting cars covered with brambles.


These gals were amazing and unafraid to climb around in the “junk” in order to get the photos they wanted.

2014 Nevada City Pinup - 158-web

We had a lot of fun tromping around the weeds, finding places to shoot and trying all sorts of different poses.  I hope to shoot both of these beauties again.

Thanks, Girls.



If you think you would like to try something like this, shoot me an email at


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