I’ve done a couple of photoshoots with women for my She Is Beautiful Project. This is a personal project in which I am photographing women of all ages, but in particular over the age of 40, to show that all women are beautiful. These women are not professional models and most do not feel comfortable in front of the camera.
The above photo is a classic example. This is a woman whom I have known for several years as a fellow photographer. She is a great photographer and is not afraid to get dirty. However, as many photogs, she does not feel comfortable in front of the camera. I think you would agree, that she should be.
Terri and Honey
Here’s another example. I have known this woman for several years and she told me that she did not feel comfortable in front of the camera. She said she never takes good photos. I beg to differ. The above photo was a test photo. She brought her dog along for comfort. They have a beautiful relationship and just having the dog present at the photo shoot made her feel more comfortable. So, by the time the photo shoot was coming to an end, she was posing like this:

She is beautiful.
I was invited by a local church to give a presentation on Everyday Posing for women. This was right up my alley because I believe every woman is beautiful, but they just don’t know how to show it. Along with my presentation, I showed the following video. I hope you enjoy it.