Urban Dictionary: A person that spends a keen amount of attention and energy on knowing the ingredients of food, the proper preparation of food, and finds great enjoyment in top-notch ingredients and exemplary preparation.
Lemon Scented Sunday Roast chicken with Rice and Asparagus

Amazing Best You Ever Ate Chicken Parmesan
Enough of chicken. How’s about some dessert?
Another definition of Foodie: A dumbed-down term used by corporate marketing forces to infantilize and increase consumerism in an increasingly simple-minded American magazine reading audience. The addition of the long “e” sound on the end of a common word is used to create the sensation of being part of a group in isolationist urban society, while also feminizing the term to subconsciously foster submission to ever-present market sources.
Hahaha…a little cynical, don’t you think? My husband is the true foodie (first definition) in our house. See his adventures here: We Call Him Yes!Chef!