Three Bears
It’s salmon season at Lake Tahoe, therefore, it’s bear season. The Kokanee Salmon, who spend their entire lives in Lake Tahoe, are spawning in Taylor Creek. They turn bright orange/red and become very sluggish during this time of year making them easy pickings for the bears. If you visit Taylor Creek this time of year and you are patient, the bears eventually come down to the stream to fish. They are generally not too concerned about people so you can observe them in relative safety.
Goldie Bear searching for fish

Goldie hears a dog bark

Up Close and Personal

Baby is exhausted from all the fishing

One of the cubs stands up to look around

One of the cubs sees a fish

A cub searches for salmon
And, if you don’t see any bears…there are always ducks.

Ducks love the salmon roe
It’s a beautiful place and a beautiful time of year.