Making Frog Soup…er, uh…making soup with a frog


My little friend came by to help me make some Mexican Chicken soup last night and he brought a school friend of his…Freddy the Frog.  He was Freddy’s caretaker for a week.  At the end of the week he returns the frog and turns in a one page story about his time with the frog.  So, I took a couple of pictures to help him tell the story.

Sadly, while my little friend was making the soup, the frog apparently got tired of reading the recipe to him and began to slide down the counter.  He’s apparently a rather lazy frog.090120_9317

Alas, I wore out my little friend with all the cooking and picture taking, so he was a touch grumpy when I suggested he read a quick story to Freddy so I could take the last picture.  It was a tough day of going to school, caring for Freddy and visiting me.  It wears me out just thinking about it.

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  • January 21, 2009 - 3:02 pm

    Lesley Cox - I love that little guys eyes. I never get tired of seeing pictures of him. My kids have had a book and animal that everyone gets a turn to take home too. It’s always been a big hit with them and a lot of fun.

  • January 22, 2009 - 11:01 am

    Pamela Baker - LOVE YOUR NEW LOGO. Good thing the frog did not
    fall in the soup. Love ya, pb

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