This is Gabrielle. She was a very fun bride. She danced and jumped and sashayed around in this beautiful wedding gown. I could not have asked for a better bride for this set of bridal portraits.
I didn’t even have to direct her too much. She was playful and came up with all sorts of ideas by herself.
I did ask her to leap in the air for joy in this photo and she did it with gusto.
I usually get the best shots when the client is willing to let go and show emotion. So many people are afraid to show emotion or “let loose” when a camera is in front of their face. Frankly, I don’t blame them. There have been too many times when I have seen photos of me taken by loving family members or friends that show my backside, or my mouth open and waiting for a fork full of food, or blinking or…fill in the blank. So, I have learned to plaster a phony smile on my face and hope for the best.
However, a professional photography shoot is a little different. The professional photographer (me) tries to get personality and emotion shots because those are the ones that are the most memorable. But, she also wants to make you look good. She wants you to love the pictures that she took. If your photographer is good, you will never see the photos of your backside, or double chins or mouth full of food.
So, go ahead and let loose. Show your personality. Then, trust your photographer to toss the badies and show you only the good ones.
“If you could see what I see”…you just may like it.
lesley - She’s adorable. I love the bare feet. Letting go in front of a camera is SO hard. Ugh…I hate a camera pointed my way! You did good with my dance pics though, and it helped that I was just doing stuff and not necessarily posing.