Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction, fantasy, alternate history, and speculative fiction that came into prominence during the 1980s and early 1990s.[1] Steampunk involves a setting where steam power is still widely used—usually Victorian era Britain or “Wild West“-era United States—that incorporates elements of either science fiction or fantasy. Works of steampunk often feature anachronistic technology, or futuristic innovations as Victorians might have envisioned them, based on a Victorian perspective on fashion, culture, architectural style, and art. This technology includes such fictional machines as those found in the works of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne, or the contemporary authors Philip Pullman, Scott Westerfeld and China Mievill

My friend and photographer, Roger Aylstock, organized a Steampunk photo shoot a couple of weekends ago.  He invited me and fellow photographer, Steve Batz, to attend.  I brought two of my favorite people along to model, my oldest son, Christopher, and his girlfriend, Amber.  We also had several other models.  The idea was to dress everyone up in great costumes, photograph them in front of a plain backdrop and later extract them and put them in a made up backdrop or different background. (See picture above.)

Here’s the original photo:

Here’s a few more from the same shoot.

Amber finds some jewels hidden in the book

I added her glasses in post along with all the background elements. (Steampunk elements and backgrounds provided by Tangie Baxter at

Here is the original photo.

And here is the finished photo.  (Elements and backgrounds provided by Tangie Baxter at

And here is my oldest son, Christopher.

This shoot was a lot of fun, and I hope to be attending a steampunk photoshoot again in June.

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  • February 24, 2012 - 10:01 am

    photowannabe - Awesome. Thanks for the explanation of the concept and how the backgrounds were done.
    Very magical.

Pizza with veggies and meat (under all the veggies)

Most women I know envy me.  Not because I’m a photographer or extremely clever or any of that other stuff.  They envy me because my husband is a wonderful cook.  We call him Yes! Chef! around here.  I’m also lucky that I am able to memorialize his creations with my photography.  The above photo is an example of his creation.  Notice the celery…which added a delicious crunch.

Spaghetti and Meatballs

Another thing he makes that is so tasty is spaghetti and meatballs.  I’ve never really tasted noodles as good as how he makes them.  The meatballs are juicy and tender…never dry.  In fact, they taste way better than I can make them look.

Roast Chicken Sunday Chicken

Yes! Chef! makes roast chicken almost every Sunday and so we call it Roast Chicken Sunday Chicken. It is absolutely delicious.  There is nothing better than a perfectly cooked roast chicken.  It is a simple pleasure.

Roast Chicken Sunday Chicken Soup

Oh! and after the Roast Chicken Sunday Chicken comes home made soup made with stock from roasted bones, leftover veggies and wonderful noodles. It is wonderful.

Makings for banana bread

Raw ingredients.

Banana Bread

A final pic of the banana bread…that I MADE!  It actually turned out pretty good.  Yes! Chef! probably would have done it better.  But, he couldn’t take a better pic than me.  Ha!

I’m available to photograph your food for your blog or website or just to have a wonderful canvas to hang on your wall.  Contact me at for details.

Check out my personal food blog site here:  We Call Him Yes! Chef!

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Her Ride

I have been a little lax lately in posting on the blog, but it doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy. Last weekend I had the opportunity to go to the Sacramento Executive Airport and photograph some great men and women, some were models, some were wanting to be models and some were just there for the fun of it. I always have fun at these sort of events and I get to practice with my posing and sometimes, my lights.

After Hours

I love to photograph John (above).  He always comes prepared with great clothes and good poses.

Polka Dots

I saw this gal with the cutest outfit and then I looked around and found this plane with the same color stripe as what she was wearing. Ha!  Boy, did I think I was clever.  She struck the perfect pose.

Where is my ride?

Those of you who have followed me for a while will recognize Krista (above).  She is charming, polite, darling, sweet and (insert only wonderful adjectives here).  Plus, she can pose up a storm and does anything I ask her to do with style. Here, I wanted her to pretend like she was waiting for her airplane to arrive.

Push up...

Here’s Jonathan showing off his muscles.  I was impressed.  And, he did this several times.  I’ll try to get to a few more pics later on, but I do have to show off my Steam Punk Photo shoot…

Stay tuned.

If you would like to do a photo shoot just for fun, a mini shoot with me may be in your future.  Contact me at



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  • February 13, 2012 - 9:57 pm

    photowannabe - Love your photos Karen.
    Krista is so sweet. Great pose for her. Well, they are all terrific!

Commissioning Day for Aly

So now I have a half of a month for which to catch you up. You can catch up over a couple of days if you find it’s a bit overwhelming to look at 15 pictures in one sitting.  I should never have let my blog go this long, but life does come up. The above picture was taken of my youngest son while we were waiting for Aly (my daughter) to be commissioned at her church for her mission to Africa. It’s not a very good picture…kinda artsy…but it provides an emotion that we were all feeling.  We were happy for my daughter, but sad that we would not see her for 5 months.

Day 16: My husband's Yummy Spaghetti

It seems that whenever I run out of good ideas, I return to taking pictures of my husband’s food.  It is always yummy and he always plates it attractively (even if it’s just for the fam.)  This particular recipe had sausage in it and a little kick from something spicy.  It was a winner.

Day 17: My Shower

I confess that I stole this idea from one of my contacts on Flickr. I wanted to do a little stop action with water and thought my shower was the best place to try it.

Day 18: Fungi

Saw this on a walk with the dog.  I’m not very happy with it, so I won’t make any other comments. Suffice it to say that I was lazy again on day 18.

Day 19: Class time

I took a class from Kevin Focht over a called “Posing Men”.  It was only a 2 week class and I might have mentioned it in another blog post.  This assignment had to do with getting the right light using strobes or small flashes. This was not one of the photos I turned in.  It was the first one I took and it had the expression I see on Patrick’s face all the time when he looks at me like I’m a little crazy. Anyway, maybe I can sell it on the microstock market.

Day 20: Steak for dinner

What did I tell you?  When I run out of ideas, Yes! Chef (my husband) to the rescue.  We have not had steak for a long time and I got a couple of T-bones on sale.  My husband cooked them to perfection and served them with my favorite veggie:  green beans.  I couldn’t eat the whole steak, so I ate it over two days.  But it was quite tasty. That’s Yes! Chef in the background.

Day 21: Obie waits patiently for his evening cookie

I’m sensing a theme here.  I wait until the end of the day and then I have nothing to take a picture of, so I point my camera at either the dog, my husband or my youngest (if he’s around.)  This could turn into a real boring year if this pattern continues.

Day 22: A tree runs from the storm trailing her hair behind her

At last I had some really great subjects because a snowstorm hit the area.  To me it looked like a woman’s hair blowing in the wind as she ran from the storm.  I rather like this photo. (Pats herself on the back)

Day 23: a photo for a motion challenge

I joined a photographer’s weekly challenge on Facebook.  For this week, the challenge was “Motion”.  I set these flowers up in front of my window, put my camera on a tripod and zoomed my lens out while using a very slow shutter speed.  As much as I enjoyed making this photo (and believe me I spent about an hour zooming in on all kinds of different subjects), sadly, I didn’t win the Challenge.  I use this same technique at weddings during the dancing at the reception.  It adds a bit of motion to the shot rather than having people frozen in time in some silly dancing pose.

Day 24: Frustration Sets in

You know it’s beginning to get pretty desperate when the photographer takes a picture of a photographer taking a picture.  I thought the idea was a good one and spent quite a bit of time on this project.  The results were not quite what I had in mind.

This would be a good time to take a break and stretch your legs a bit, even though the rest of the pictures are pretty dang good…


Okay.  The next day I joined at 365 Project where the members are sent an email every day with a theme.  I had to wait one day before I got my first theme, so here’s my last lame-o theme-less picture.

Day 25: Let's make banana bread

My husband was out of town and he mentioned that I shouldn’t throw away the bananas because we could make bread out of them.  So, while he was gone I did just that.

Day 26: Theme Windows

Now that I actually have some direction because I’m receiving a theme every day, I can start taking some meaningful pics.  The idea of this Take-a-photo-a-day-for-a-year Project is to improve my photography and stretch what little creativity I have into something more.  I again turned to my youngest son and because in my photography eyes are where the personality is, I thought I would do a riff on eyes being the window to the soul. He is actually looking into one of my Ipad (Eyepad) apps that simulate a window and window light.  But, it made a really nice catchlight in the shape of a window. Yes! (Pumps her fist in the air.)

Day 27: Clouds

The theme that came in my email on Day 27 was: Clouds.  Just my luck!  Not a cloud in the sky.  So, I solicited the help of my oldest son and his girlfriend to set up this shot outside in the blazing cloudless sky. It seemed a lot better in my head.  But, I am learning.

Day 28: Texture

I bet you didn’t think that I actually made banana bread.  How wrong you were.  In this case, I was able to practice my food photography using the bread and my strobes. Banana bread has great texture.

Day 29: Water

New theme in the email:  Water.  Again, I  used my strobes to try depict the wetness of water.  This theme was very fun.  I think I’m beginning to like this project.

Day 30: Symmetry

A little tougher theme for me.  I pondered it for quite a while until I spied my grandmother’s Trifle Dish between the slats of my dining room chair.  It’s not the best picture in the world, but it is somewhat creative and demonstrates the theme.

Day 31: Winter

Hmmm…theme for this day was Winter.  We hadn’t had any sort of clouds or winter-like weather since that little snowstorm that blew thru.  In fact, temps were in the high 50’s.  So, a friend of mine suggested that I set up a little scene that would look like winter.  I got out my snow boots and gloves, put them by the furnace and poured a little water on them to make them look like they were all drippy.  Voila:  Winter!

And that was the end of my first month.  My goal is to improve my photography and my creativity.  Hopefully by day 366, I will see improvement in both.

If you stayed until the end, or came back to view the rest of my photos I congratulate you. I will also reward you with  a free 8×10 if you book a mini shoot with me by the end of February.  Code:  ISAWALLTHEPHOTOS.  Contact me at

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  • February 1, 2012 - 6:09 pm

    photowannabe - I love your album and all the angst you have gone through to get the terrific shots.
    I admire your determination and stick-to-it-ness.

  • February 1, 2012 - 10:04 pm

    Mary - This was great. Even though I had seen these images on Facebook (or at least most of them), I enjoyed seeing your world through the lens of your camera. And, by the way, none of your inspirations were “Lame-o”. Without direction, you took pictures of things around you. That is hard to do! I love your work, but you already know that!

366 Project Day 8

If all else fails, take a picture of my husband’s food.  My husband (I call him “Yes! Chef”) is one of the best cooks I know.  He studied under a local chef (John Evans of Zack Jack’s) for a year or so working in his restaurant.  He also does some catering for some of the local wineries.  Cooking is his hobby and passion, not his vocation.  One of the reasons I took a couple of food photography courses over at is because I wanted to photograph my husband’s food.  So, as I go thru this daily challenge of taking a meaningful photo every day, more than a few of them will undoubtedly be of my husband’s food.  The above shot is of some Bangers and Mash that he made with some sausages he got from my brother as a Christmas present.

Yes! Chef's Chicken Noodle Soup

Oh!  What’s this?  Another shot of Yes! Chef’s food.  Anybody that knows our family, knows that if it’s Sunday, my husband makes Roast Chicken.  We call it Roast chicken Sunday and I look forward to it every week.  The day after Roast Chicken Sunday, we roast the leftover bones and make stock.  Then we frequently make Roast Chicken Sunday soup. It was most tasty!

She will float away if you don't hold on to her...

My daughter called me on Day10 and asked if I would do a quick photo shoot with her and her boyfriend because she was getting ready to leave for a Mission in Africa and they wanted some pictures of themselves while they were apart (5 months).  I’m always happy to take photos of my family and especially happy to take photos of people that are happy…especially with each other.  This is just one of the photos I captured that I especially liked.  If you would like to see a little slideshow I made of the event, go here:  The Adventures of Aly and Brian.

Day 11...editing

I wish I could show a more creative and exciting photo for Day 11, but I spent the whole day delightedly editing my daughter’s photo session.

Day 12

The point of this daily challenge is not to take snapshots (see Day 11), but to think about the photo that you will take each day.  In the end, my photography should improve.  Here is a set up I used earlier in the year and I wanted to try out my snoot on my flash. It didn’t quite turn out the way I wanted, but this is a learning experiment.

Day 13...what the heck?

After my celebration experiment on Day 12, I gathered up the confetti (really some of our shredded paperwork) and placed it on some black shiny plexiglass next to our window.  I liked the colorful reflection and I thought the confetti would add some interest.  Maybe not.  As I said, this is a photographic journey…so back off.

Day 14: Sunset in Old Town Sac Town

I had the opportunity to do a little photo shoot in Sacramento on day 14. Around sunset we headed down to the river and I caught this shot.  I love to use this building as a backdrop for some of my portraits.  It is a pretty building all by itself.

Well (dusts off her hands)…another week done.

Want a fun photo shoot for a Valentine’s Day present?  You and your honey can have a quick photoshoot like I did for my daughter and her boyfriend along with a quick slide show.  The photoshoot took less than an hour. Contact me at for the details.

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