Pizza with veggies and meat (under all the veggies)
Most women I know envy me. Not because I’m a photographer or extremely clever or any of that other stuff. They envy me because my husband is a wonderful cook. We call him Yes! Chef! around here. I’m also lucky that I am able to memorialize his creations with my photography. The above photo is an example of his creation. Notice the celery…which added a delicious crunch.
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Another thing he makes that is so tasty is spaghetti and meatballs. I’ve never really tasted noodles as good as how he makes them. The meatballs are juicy and tender…never dry. In fact, they taste way better than I can make them look.

Roast Chicken Sunday Chicken
Yes! Chef! makes roast chicken almost every Sunday and so we call it Roast Chicken Sunday Chicken. It is absolutely delicious. There is nothing better than a perfectly cooked roast chicken. It is a simple pleasure.

Roast Chicken Sunday Chicken Soup
Oh! and after the Roast Chicken Sunday Chicken comes home made soup made with stock from roasted bones, leftover veggies and wonderful noodles. It is wonderful.

Makings for banana bread
Raw ingredients.

Banana Bread
A final pic of the banana bread…that I MADE! It actually turned out pretty good. Yes! Chef! probably would have done it better. But, he couldn’t take a better pic than me. Ha!
I’m available to photograph your food for your blog or website or just to have a wonderful canvas to hang on your wall. Contact me at schmautzhaus@sbcglobal.net for details.
Check out my personal food blog site here: We Call Him Yes! Chef!