Beloved Friends

This is my best friend, Julie. She lives in Southern California with her wonderful husband and their darling son.  This weekend they came up to our house in Northern California for a quick visit.  I always enjoy spending time with her as she is a very busy woman.  Her 10 year old son was diagnosed with medium to severe autism.  He is a sweet, beautiful little boy, but he is a full time job as he has many needs.

She and her husband have devoted their lives to this little guy.  Through their efforts he has learned to look at people, say please and thank you and communicate his needs in short sentences.  The love they have for him and the love he returns is obvious. As he is a full time job, Julie’s husband, Jack, works hard and without complaint, to support them both.

Autism is not something I was familiar with until my friends had their son.  I have watched them learn about it through their efforts to treat and understand their child.  They are the bravest and most loving parents I know.  I’ve seen the blessing that little guy has been through the trials and joy that he brings.  Autism is a very chaotic and hard to understand world.  This little boy has let me into his life and I thank God for that.  I also thank God for my friends who love this child with a fierce and wonderful love. I pray blessings upon this loving and hard working family.  They never give up.

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  • January 18, 2010 - 8:52 pm

    lesley - Beautiful people, inside and out! Since I work with autistic kids, I know how much work it is, and often am in awe of the parents because they deal 24/7 with the demands of raising these precious kids. Your friends are very special indeed!

  • January 19, 2010 - 5:13 pm

    Julie Winkle - Your words brought tears to my eyes Karen! Thank you for a love that goes beyond mere words. You are my dearest and bestest friend and I love you so very much. Thank you for sharing part of our story on your site.

    Warmly & affectionately,

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