Bridgeport: Trash the Dress


I love doing a “Trash the Dress” Photo shoot.  In this case we had several models dressed in wedding dresses and formal attire to shoot.

empire-mine-05-09-309v2-copy72The water was fairly warm which was good for us and great for the models.

empire-mine-05-09-242-copy72..even though sometimes they looked a little cold and uncomfortable.  It was a long day for them.  We had already done 4 hours or so at Empire Mine .  It did feel good to wade around in the water after carting around our equipment over at the mine.

empire-mine-05-09-266copy72But even after several hours at the mine and several more hours at the Yuba River, the models were gorgeous and fun.


Just before I got in the water with the rest of the photogs, I did thing about the thousands of dollars worth of equipment that hung around our necks.  But, then I shrugged, slapped on my most expensive lens and waded in for the fun.

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