Moving objects vs. Non-moving objects

Last week most of my photography was of stationary objects like stamp mills, gold mines, old buildings and landscape type photos.  Those are always a lot of fun because I have a lot of time to think about my subject, what type of light is on it and how I want to compose the photo. However, there’s no relationship with these things other than finding something interesting that can be photographed.

With people, and especially people candids, it’s just the opposite.  Sometimes I don’t have a lot of time to think about the light and composition.  Because of that, sometimes the photos just don’t come across like I remember seeing them. The lighting was bad or the subject turned away at just the wrong moment or they see me and give me a goofy grin. The challenge is developing a relationship with the subject so that they will be comfortable around the camera, or positioning yourself so that they don’t really notice the camera and you can get a true personality picture.

The other day I was invited to a friend’s birthday party and I dragged my camera along. (It’s not like I ever leave the house without my camera.  In fact, I even take the camera with me when I pick my son up from school every day…you never know.)  These people know me pretty well, and so they are used to me having the camera up to my face whenever I’m around.  The party was fun because it was a late afternoon (think: good light) pool party (lots of splashing and action shots).  The only downside was that there wasn’t a lot of little kids around, and kids always make for fun photography.  In fact, there was only one little 3rd grade girl, who really doesn’t like to have her photo taken, but there were 2 dogs.  And dogs can be fun subjects as long as you are not trying to get them to look into the camera or sit still for a portrait.

One of the dogs (above) was not afraid to get in the water.  He was having a great time.  The other dog, a pit bull, was not particularly interested in getting in the water, but he was really interested in the ball that the oldest daughter was tossing into the water.

I love photographing this young woman, my birthday friend’s oldest daughter, and I’ve known her long enough that she trusts me.  She loves to swim and she loves her dog and I think her personality really shines in these photos.

Again, I love to take pictures of beautiful places and interesting things…but my heart is in people photography.  I never get tired of it.

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  • September 1, 2008 - 2:21 am

    Julie Winkle - I just love your photos Karen! They are inspiring, bee-utiful and just plain good!

    Julie W.

  • September 1, 2008 - 3:52 am

    Lesley - The middle photo looks like it just needs to have the dog superimposed over something…I’m not sure what, you’re more creative, but what a great pose! My dog is half pit, half lab, and she only likes to wade into the water up to her tummy. I always say she’s only half lab, so she only gets half wet!

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